The cliffhanger in the last book had me so excited to read this one. The book starts exactly where the other leaves off and I love that all the action, like the first book, starts right at the beginning. The action was so intense, I had no time to catch my breath, I loved it.
Conner is doing such a great job keeping an eye on Alicia but things are starting to get a little bit more urgent. Someone is after the first daughter and since she keeps running away, it is making Connors job a little harder than he would like. Is Connor and Alicia starting to like each other? Just one more things for Connor to deal with. This book has all the action and adventure like the first one. I realized that the first book and this book are together in the same story and the next two in the series is Connor guarding a different person. I kind of love that idea. The beginning of this book also gives you are run down of what happens in the last book. It’s like reading a TV series, I want to read so many more books like this. I am fascinated with the layout of this book and how it read. Seriously, it’s like watching TV. It reminds me so much of NCIS or Macgyver.
I am loving this series, I can’t wait to read the next book. This series is great for Tweens, YA and Adults. Everyone will find something to love about this series. The details and secrets that are told lets you feel like part of the action. Even the villains aren’t sugar coated, you see how ruthless they really are. It almost feel like real life. I can’t recommend this series enough! If you haven’t thought of trying it you must! So much action, adventure, humor and even a great group of friends. A Must Read!
Thanks for stopping by to check out my review.
Have a great day and Happy Reading!

Awesome review, Michelle. I haven’t read MG books. I don’t remember the last time I read this genre. Glad that it’s good for YAs and adults too. Anyway, you got me when you mention NCIS. I love the series so much. 😁